Multithreading and concurrency

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KStateMachine is designed to work in single thread. Concurrent modification of library classes will lead to race conditions. See kotlin coroutines section for more info regarding coroutines environment, and how the library helps you to support this requirement.

Kotlin Coroutines

Starting from KStateMachine v0.20.0 the library has built-in coroutines support. All its callbacks and other APIs were marked with suspend modifier, allowing to use coroutines from them. You can still use all KStateMachine features without Kotlin Coroutines library dependency as suspend keyword is implemented at compiler level and Coroutines library is not really necessary to start coroutines.

Many functions like createStateMachine/start/stop/processEvent/undo etc. are suspendable, but all of them has analogs with Blocking suffix which are not marked with suspend keyword. If you use KStateMachine with coroutines support you should prefer suspendable function versions. Note that Blocking versions internally use kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking function which is rather dangerous and may cause deadlocks if used not properly (especially recursively). That is why you should avoid using Blocking APIs from coroutines and recursively (from library callbacks).

Use single threaded CoroutineScope

When you create a state machine with createStateMachine/createStateMachineBlocking (with coroutines support) functions you have to provide CoroutineScope on which machine will work, this scope also contains CoroutineContext by coroutines design. This is how you can control a thread where state machine works. The scope is considered to use single threaded CoroutineContext.

Single thread CoroutineScope samples:

CoroutineScope(newSingleThreadContext("single thread")) // don't forget to close it

Using multithreaded CoroutineContext like Dispatchers.Default or Dispatchers.IO will lead to race conditions, it is not correct.

Even Dispatchers.Default.limitedParallelism(1) that seems to be ok at glance, does not provide guarantee that each coroutine will be executed on the same single thread, it only limits the amount of used threads. So race condition still takes place, as nothing forces threads, running on different processor cores, to update variable values in their processor core caches, so outdated values could be used from core cache. Other words, one thread does not to know about variable changes made by other one. This known as visibility guarantee, that volatile keyword provides on jvm.

CoroutineContext preservation guarantee

Suspendable functions and their Blocking analogs internally switch current execution СoroutineСontext (from which they are called) to state machines one, using kotlinx.coroutines.withContext or kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking functions respectively. This is CoroutineContext preservation guarantee that the library provides. Note that if you created machine with the scope containing kotlinx.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext switching will not be performed. So if the StateMachine is created with correct (meeting above conditions) scope it is safe to call suspendable methods like processEvent() from any context/thread due to internal context preservation. StateMachine that was created by createStdLibStateMachine() (without coroutines support) does not perform any context switching and of course does NOT provide any CoroutineContext preservation guarantee.

Multithreading is always complicated and hard to explain, so you can also check this sample regarding working with state machine from coroutines running from multiple threads:

// runBlocking starts an infinite event loop on current running thread,
// so it produces correct single threaded CoroutineContext for a StateMachine.
runBlocking { // defines non-empty coroutine context for state machine
    val machineThread = Thread.currentThread()
    val machineScope = this

    val machine = createStateMachine(machineScope) {
        onStarted { check(Thread.currentThread() == machineThread) }

        val state2 = state("state2")
        initialState("state1") {
            transition<SwitchEvent> {
                targetState = state2
                onTriggered { check(Thread.currentThread() == machineThread) }

    withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
        check(Thread.currentThread() != machineThread) // suppose we are working from some other thread

        // OK, will be processed on state machine context as `processEvent` is suspendable and switches context
        // internally and context is not EmptyCoroutineContext

        // But this is NOT OK, this will be a race condition as this property is muted from state machines thread
        // if (machine.isRunning) { /* do something */ }

        withContext(machineScope.coroutineContext) {
            // OK again as we switched context explicitly before accessing property
            if (machine.isRunning) { /* do something */
            check(Thread.currentThread() == machineThread)

Migration guide from versions older than v0.20.0

If you already have or ready to add Kotlin Coroutines dependency

  • Add both kstatemachine and kstatemachine-coroutines artifacts to your build system
  • Use createStateMachine or createStateMachineBlocking from kstatemachine-coroutines artifact to create state machines providing CoroutineScope as argument
  • Use suspendable versions of functions (start/stop/processEvent/undo etc.) when possible
  • Avoid using function analogs with Blocking suffix (especially recursively) as this may easily lead to deadlocks or race conditions depending on your use case and machine configuration

If you can not have dependency on Kotlin Coroutines or just do not want to use it

  • Use only kstatemachine artifact in your build system
  • Use createStdLibStateMachine to create state machines
  • Use suspendable versions of functions (start/stop/processEvent/undo etc.) when possible (from KStateMachine callbacks for example)
  • In other cases use their analogs with Blocking suffix, it is ok
  • If you try to use Kotlin Coroutines library from machine created by createStdLibStateMachine you will probably get an exception.
  • Using suspendable code without calls to Kotlin Coroutines library is ok, as suspend keyword is a compiler feature, not library one.